A note beyond the scope of your essay, but there's also a chance that the insistence on you wearing a coach uniform may be because of consolidation and monopoly in the sporting goods industry resulting in "volunteer positions" being not-quite-technically-but-honestly-kinda-really enforced to purchase gear (at elevated prices because where else can you get a 'proper' 'official' coaching track suit?)

See the shit going down with Varsity Brands in the US: https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/antitrust-and-the-fall-of-a-cheerleading

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That is some crazy stuff. I don't think that that is quite what is happening here. But it did bring up a thought that as girls football has only really taken off in the last few years her particular club, being the oldest and most established in our city, has had a monopoly of sorts on girls football locally and is probably quite wealthy compared to other clubs hence the amount of gear she has probably reflects their hefty cash reserves. But the trend is still going on at every club.

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